Sunday, October 4, 2009

7 weeks/7 years

So I finished my 2nd week of couch to 5K and it went pretty good. Who am I kidding? I was so discouraged after Tuesday (my first run of the week) I felt like giving up. The beauty of this whole thing is I do have 2 people that am accountable to. So...I did it. All three times this week I pushed through. I am worried about this week as my shins are really hurting after my run on Saturday but I must press on. I'll let you know how that goes.

Suge and I have our 7 year anniversary coming up. It seems like yesterday, but it seems like light years ago. In December we'll be celebrating 12 years together. Wow! Just to say it seems weird. I think I'll break out the wedding dress this year and see if it fits. I'm really doubting it. Maybe I'll just break it out right now (having second thoughts, it's hanging in Wild Man's closet and he's asleep). I'll get back to you on that. Anyway, our church just started a series on marriage and it could not have come at a better time. We all need reminders, wake up calls, and the knowledge that we all go through the same sorts of trials. We also need to be reminded of what God's plan of marriage was all about. It's amazing that 2,000 years ago someone wrote that men need respect and women need love. Like the pastor said today, that was WAY before psych 101 came along. I know I got some real reminders today. I love you and respect you Suge, and I know I don't show it or say it like I should, but I'm going to work on that...

1 comment:

  1. So did you take a pic of you in the wedding dress this year? I never heard you say anything about it. I think its a great idea though, however, mine is sealed so I dont plan on breaking it out anytime soon.
