Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I've been home alone some today, and as I clean and straighten up our house getting ready for the new joy in our lives I can't help but look around and see just how blessed we are. Not that I don't know it everyday, it's just that somedays it's hard to see the forest for the trees, if you know what I mean. I and we seem to get so bogged down in the daily, petty stuff. Then days like today happen. I upload some pictures and see these beautiful blue eyes staring right at me and I wonder how I could ever be concerned about the dog hair in the hallway. I'm so thankful for my God and all he has done for us. I'm trying to honor Him as a person, wife, mother and friend, but I know good and well I need to keep on trying! But I feel good in knowing I've got a Godly goal.

There's your something to chew on.

Hope to see you soon, while holding a little bitty precious baby girl in my arms!

Mama Stone

Monday, November 8, 2010

5 days?

My how the time has passed. I have one baby going on 4 years old and another that will be here in just a few days.

I can't believe it.

Pregnancy sure makes the year fly by.

Keep us ALL in your prayers.

Mama Stone

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

3.5 Weeks and Counting

Sorry for the lack of posts, but really what has been going on? We've been playing soccer, celebrating our anniversary and washing clothes. Sometimes it's really hard to blog about things like that. I will say we had a fantastic time in Chattanooga celebrating 8 years of matrimony. We had massages, ate like kings and relaxed!

I do have a pretty funny picture to share. I had an even funnier one of me, but couldn't decide if my bum or belly was bigger, so I just decided to forego that one.

Roman's 87 year old grandmother, just having fun on a Saturday afternoon:

Will update when there's something more exciting to tell you.

Mama Stone

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pregnant and Waiting.

Approximately 7 weeks to go.
My how time flies when you are having fun.

Can't wait to meet our Baby Girl.

Mama Stone

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

2 years ago this week.
What happened to my baby?
He's all grown up!
Well, excuse me while I go love on him.

Have a great NO WORK, NO SCHOOL day!

Mama Stone

Friday, September 3, 2010

It's Football Time in Tennessee

So the Go Vols, as we refer to them around here, have their first game tomorrow. Does that mean it's officially fall? I sure hope so. My baby boy shows his UT pride even in his sleep.

I am officially 10 weeks away from my due date. On the countdown.

Mama Stone

Friday, August 6, 2010

O What a Night...

So it's 10 til 8 on Friday night. I have washed clothes and picked up and put up. But I have also eaten pizza and danced with my Wildman (he loves to be dipped).

All the while listening to A Carolina Jubilee.

I couldn't put a price on a night like tonight.

Mama Stone

Monday, July 12, 2010

Doggie Drama

I can't possibly type the whole story, but let's just sum it up like this...

-Wildman and I got home on Friday to discover one of our dogs with his head stuck under the gate in a puddle of water.

-I knew he was alive when I started trying to get him free, but was very unsure when I had to run around front to get the gate open. He was NOT moving. Wildman was hot on my heels. This could have been a disaster.

-Got the gate open, he wriggled free.

-He was COVERED in mud and Wildman had left the back door open. He immediately ran inside and shook off and covered my dining room, kitchen and foyer in muddy prints and shake- off residue.

-We had to give him a bath on the deck.

-He now has a horrific ear infection, that FYI: couldn't smell worse.

-The vet came, $175.00, two shots, a pill and some drops later, he does seem to be doing better.

-That's him in the foreground, obviously not on Friday, as it's been 150 degrees around here, but the picture looked so inviting.

-Otherwise all is well around here. Kelby Jane is kicking!

Mama Stone

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

By Tuesday...

this is exactly how I'll feel.
Long weekends are fabulous.
you need a vacation after them.
Happy 4th of July everyone!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

So if you didn't know it's been really hot around here the last couple of weeks. When it gets this hot we tend to stay indoors. When we stay indoors for this long, we tend to get bored. (See picture) It's amazing how Wildman's tees fit our Rook. Yes, he was rockin' the Yellow Submarine tee and he loved it. What do you do when it's too hot to go out? Surely it's not as fun or funny as this.

P.S. It's cooling off this week! Back outside!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Sweetest Thing Ever

Wildman spent some time with Mom and Poppy this weekend. She took him to the movie on Friday and they popped into Macy's to see what there was to see.

Wildman found these for "His Baby."

Now tell me that's not the sweetest thing EVER.

Bang Cutting 101

Obviously Suge didn't pass this course.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

The First Dad in my life. Shown here with Wildman.

The Second Dad in my life. Shown here with Priss.

The Dad I miss. Shown here with Wildman.

The Dad I get to spend the rest of my life with.
Shown here with Wildman.

Happy Father's Day to one and all.

Love You.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Drum Roll Please...

Here's my little baby girl's feet. Aren't they sweet? We couldn't be more excited. Especially Wildman. He still insists her name is Tater Tot, so until we decide otherwise...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tater Tot

I'll announce the findings of our ultrasound, (maybe with pictures) tomorrow.

Get ready...

I'm sure there will be a great Wildman story, as he is going with us.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pregnancy Hormones?

I don't know what you are talking about.

Yes, I have broken down three times in the last four days. Not my best record.

Upside: We find out on Monday, if this lil' tater tot is a boy or girl.

Which I'm sure will also cause a flood of emotions.

Oh well. At least I have an excuse.

What's yours?


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Miss A Strikes Again

From time to time Miss A gives Wildman things her kids have out-grown and a few weeks ago she brought over a huge bag of dress-up clothes. Apparently Suge couldn't resist. I mean who knew there would be dress-up clothes for adults in the bag too?

I love me some Robin Hood/Peter Pan/Jolly Green Giant.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I don't know why I thought of a circa 1989 low rider window sayin' when I saw this picture, but I'm pretty sure Suge has his eyes open, even if it's just a slit.

Love you Suge.

Preschool Graduation

Oh my...I can't believe my very first baby (he's not actually mine of course), just graduated preschool tonight. Before we know it, we'll be crying at high school graduation. Where does the time go?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On My Heart

I know it's been a month since I last visited here with you and I'm sorry. But I promise to make it up to you. There will be pictures galore in my next post, don't you worry. Today, I want to take a few minutes to tell you about a book I've been reading and how it's been working on me.

The book is called Plan B, it was written by Pete Wilson of Crosspoint Community Church in Nashville. The same church Mom, Uncle C and Sweetheart attend. Mom got me the book 2 months ago and I just started it a week or so ago. Anyway... so far there have been many things in the book that have hit home with me but nothing like this passage from Chapter 8 called Darkness:

"Can You Handle It? Like you, perhaps, I grew up in church. And my overall experience with that was actually quite positive. I'm not one who walks around bitter and carrying a lot of baggage from my early church experiences. However, there were several times in my life when well-meaning people spoke what they thought were scriptural truths into my life. But those "truths," which actually were not scriptural at all, just created layers of distortions about how I relate to God. One particular phrase I seemed to hear over and over was this: "God will never give you more than you can handle." It sounds so sweet and biblical, like something my grandmother would have done in needlepoint and hung on the wall in her house. The problem is, nothing could be further from the truth. Where in the world did we get such a whacked theology? Where's that verse in the Bible? Hallucinations 4:32 maybe?"

He goes on to say: "Here's the truth--and this one is thoroughly biblical: throughout life you will face one situation after another that will be completely beyond what you can handle."

He says the Bible is packed full of stories of people who were given more than they could handle and they were forced to make a choice--"either abandon God or worship him in the midst of a Plan B."

Essentially what we are being taught here is that, God wants us to depend on him. He does not want us to think we can do it on our own. And let me say this, I've used that phrase more times than you can imagine trying to comfort someone, I am GUILTY. But doesn't this theology make much more sense? After reading this chapter I couldn't help but think about the families in Nashville that have lost everything, my friend who recently lost a loved one unexpectedly or all those fishermen in Louisiana that are out of work indefinitely. Now, I want to give totally different advice. I want to say lean on Him now more than ever. Take comfort in Him. He wants you to know that you need Him. And I believe He will get you through this.

You can purchase the book on Amazon.

Love ya friends.
Mama Stone

Friday, April 23, 2010

March & April, where have you gone?

So I'm over the whole giving you a report on how bad and/or good I'm doing on my New Year Resolutions. Mostly because I missed March and April is almost over, and I think the ones that I have done well keeping are the same ones I mentioned in February. The ones I need to work on, are the same ones.

Lots has been going on. I did run a race on March 20th. That went pretty good. An old friend from high school came and ran it too, as did Uncle C and Sweetheart. Mom walked this one and got a TROPHY! We went out for pancakes after, that was MY favorite part.

I attended Mule Day for the first time this year. That was actually mine and Wildman's something new we did together this month. I wish I had pictures but I'm becoming more forgetful as time moves on.

Which reminds me, I failed to inform you that I'm pregnant. Oops! Yes, of course it was planned, do you know me? But Suge and I have been talking it over (well I've done most of the talking) for almost a year. He finally gave in, I mean agreed it would be best for our family so here we are. On Monday I got to hear the heartbeat and was informed that I was approximately 10 1/2 weeks pregnant. Wildman is beside himself. He has all kinds of questions. It really has been interesting since I don't really know too many friends that have had their second child when their first child is this age (the curious I want to know and ask everything age). I've been posting some of our funny question and answer sessions on Facebook, so I won't bore you with them here. But be sure to know HE WANTS A SISTER. He had informed us long ago that he wanted a big sister (heaven knows why. my brother sure didn't), but has conceded that maybe a little sister would be ok. I'm still unsure how we are going to break it to him if it does end up being a boy. I've still got to think on that one. I've been feeling lots better these past two weeks and will be glad to get past the 12 week mark.

But, before I get past 12 weeks I must take a quick vaca to Miami with some girls to celebrate Uncle C and Sweetheart's nearing wedding. Can you believe it's one month away? How unattractive could I possibly look in a swimsuit right now. Oh, I'll let you know. I think I'm just going to make the bride look that much more fabulous!

Monday, April 5, 2010

This Is What I've Been Dealing With

I'll post you a really good update soon. Meanwhile if you need a good laugh, log in and look at this crazy guy.


Mama Stone

Thursday, March 18, 2010

And she's back...

10 days later and the funk is over. What I have done in the meantime:

I have run, had my hair colored, been a concert goer, had dinner with friends, shopped with Mom and Step-Mom, attended church, life group, and a book fair, and plenty other boring Mom/Wife-like things that I know you couldn't care less about.

I'm looking forward to a 5K on Saturday, since Mom, Uncle C and Sweetheart are all joining in. I think a friend from high school is running it too. I can honestly say that I will NEVER be able to run the whole thing, my running has all of the sudden gone to pot, but I'm excited none the less. It'll be fun.

I think the sun is going to come out today, that always makes for a better mood. When we left the house this morning everyONE was in a good mood. Do you know how few times that has EVER happened? I will cherish the day...

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Funk

Have you ever been in a funk? I think it happens to people a lot at the end of winter. Some call it seasonal depression. I call it the funk. It all started about 3 weekends ago when the weather was really nice and we got to play outside and enjoy the sunshine. Then something happened... At first it was mysterious and I couldn't really put my finger on it. I felt bored, sad, tired and sluggish all at the same time. I was wearing my sweaters again and I hated everything in my closet. Then it hit me...when it snowed AGAIN. I'm ready for spring. Ready to leave the back door open and quit wearing wool. I'm ready to run outside and ditch my friend the treadmill. I'm ready to see that first buttercup and enjoy coffee and cookies outside, all while Wildman digs in the dirt.

Maybe now that I've identified my problem (admitting you have a problem is the first step, right?) I can take action to move past it. If nothing else, I've got the fact that the time changes this weekend.

Today is shaping up to be a pretty day.

I think I'll take a run outside. That's a step in the right direction.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

February Wrap Up

Thinking of doing this wrap up on the month of February I was reminded that I'm another year older. When is it going to feel like I am an adult, not just a 17 year old stuffed into a family with a husband to care for and a child to look after? It seems weird to think I'm 30 something. When did this happen? The years have flown by, and all I can say is so far this year has been AWESOME! I've really been pushing myself to be a better me. Drum roll please...

I did my 20 miles this month although it nearly killed me (just kidding). But I was very unmotivated, one week I only ran 3 miles. Anyway... Next month 25 miles.

Mother: I must keep my voice raising in check. This one has been really hard, but I feel like I'm slipping. Gotta keep this one in mind. Wildman, Suge and I went to a spaygetti dinner after church last Sunday, that was a first!

Wife: Suge and I went to Vegas and while he spent lots of time learning, I spent lots of time having fun, but also lifting him up! This is going to be a great year for him and his business.

Financial: Still haven't made the appointment and here it is March, but we did find out that we don't have to PAY taxes this year. Thank goodness. That's a step in the right direction.

Spiritual: On track with my Bible reading. Suge did call regarding a life group that meets on Sunday nights. I hope we go this week.

Fitness: I lifted weights once this month and couldn't move my arms for days! I better step it up, it's almost spring! Met my running goal. I'm running a 5K on the 20th and ran one on Feb. 13th too.

Health: Still an A+. Also have Wildman flossing every day too!

Random: Cleaned out the cabinet under my bathroom sink. Working on friendships too!

I think maybe I should get a B++ for February. Especially since I ran that 5K and since I convinced Suge to run it too (see pic).

I hope your year is going just as well.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Freaky Friday

Lots of bloggers have wordless Wednesdays,
but I think I'll start Freaky Friday.
This one's for you Mims-

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Post Holiday Stress

It's Tuesday night after a 3 day holiday weekend, and a week of holiday for me personally, so you can understand when I say: It's 8:42 p.m. and I'm going to take a bath and go to bed.

No questions asked.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Planning for Spring

So...6 more weeks of winter huh? That's what the groundhog says! I don't mind it really, but when I think of all the wonderful things we do in the spring, I am sort of ready. Ready to let Wildman be wild, OUTSIDE! The girls are already planning for a spring ride and I can say without a doubt that I'll be ready for that. There's also a trip to Miami for Sweetheart's bachelorette party, and then the wedding (which is like 3 months and 20 days away--not to give you heart failure Sweetheart, but just a quick FYI).

So what are your plans for spring? Do they include getting out into nature?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Report on the month of January

So, I came up with my mileage goal for February since today is the 1st. I thought I'd try to do 20 miles this month. It's actually more than I did in January, but not too lofty. Actually if I ran 3.1 twice a week I'd meet this quite easily, but since I get bored at mile 2, I thought I'd push myself just a little this month. So 20 miles it is.

As for my other goals:

Mother: Still working on the raising of my voice, but getting a LOT better. Sawyer and I went to the Rodeo (although that's not entirely new, it's not something we get to do but once a year-so it counts).

Wife: Must work harder on these.

Financial: Took at step toward finding that advisor. Probably about to blow the whole spend less goal out of the water when we go to Vegas...

Spiritual: On track with my Bible reading. Haven't made a step toward finding a life group.

Fitness: Set my goal (see above). Have not lifted weights, that may be beginning in March. But, I am running a 5K in two weeks and have one penciled in for March.

Health: A+ Have taken my vitamin and flossed EVERY day!

Random: Have cleaned out Wildman's closet and my green cabinet in the kitchen. Working on friendships too!

I'd say I get a B for January. Confessing it to you like this will help!

How's it going for you?

(Pic is from Turkey Trot 5K, I don't think I posted QT's poster! Thanks again for your support.)

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Plethora of News

I'm home with Wildman this afternoon, since the winter weather has blown in. It was fun to leave work at 3:00 and come home to hot tea and re-runs of Diego! In other breaking news...

Suge and I leave for Vegas in just a little over a week. I am excited. My week is planned and so is his (although mine sounds WAY more fun). We get in on Monday. I get a massage on Tuesday, he goes to seminar. I go to the Grand Canyon on Wednesday, he goes to seminar. I go shopping and casino hopping on Thursday, he goes to seminar. Thursday night we see LOVE. Friday we come home. What do you think? He may actually skip out on Thursday, since that was the original plan, but it is a free class. So we'll see... Pictures to come on that for SURE!

My birthday is coming up in roughly two weeks and I am challenging all my friends and family to complete a 5K. What better way to turn thirtysomething than to run/walk/jog 3.1 miles! Anyway, there's a race here called Cupid's Chase and I'm pretty pumped. I've got about 8 people committed to doing it. Hope there's many more (hint hint). Suge says he's going to do it. What's funny about this is, almost every guy (except Suge) is waiting to commit until he knows what the weather will be like. Not a single woman has mentioned it. What does that tell you?

Hope all is well with you. Headed out to the Rodeo tonight, for a little cowboy fix.

Have a great snow filled weekend!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I love to use those three letters together. I don't normally say it, but I love to type it. Anyway, I noticed reading back over some posts that I can't seem to decide if my 3 year old's ghost name is Wild Man or Wildman. So...FYI: either way is correct, and please realize I am always referring to the same person.

I feel better.

Except I feel really nervous today. You know that feeling you get before a big meeting, or a big event. Well, I have it today in the pit of my stomach. Why you ask. Just so you know, I have NO idea. In fact, I'd really appreciate it if it just went away.

Had a great time with the girls last night and am really looking forward to going out with some other girls on Friday night to celebrate a birthday. I really am blessed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Change of Focus

So, I sent a blog post link to a couple of friends and it has already sparked some serious talk AND action. The essence of the blog was this:

“Stop feeding what you want to die and starving what you want to live.”

That quote alone hit home in so many areas of my life, it's just not funny. So Sweetheart decided she was going to deactivate her fb account for 1 week and see how it changed her week and she ask me to join in. So I did. And so far so good. I read my Bible last night and appear to be ahead of schedule. I also spent some quality time with Suge last night AND I also appear to be getting some work done today. It's a WIN WIN for all involved.

If you want to read the blog post just see the post
from 1/19 on brandi & boys ----->

Good luck on your refocus.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Goals for 2010

So QT challenged me to write down my goals for 2010, and then she boldly emailed me hers. I say boldly because hers were really hard ones! I think the idea was we'd keep each other in check, but she had like 20 something goals, I'm not sure I can keep up with mine and hers! Except I will choose to see if she's biting her nails or not (FYI: never tell me which goal will be the hardest). Anyway, when she sent her goals to me they were broken down in areas of her life (i.e.: wife, mother, financial, spiritual, fitness etc. etc.) and I thought it was such a good idea, especially the random area.

So since I don't have my list in front of me, or even in this house, I'll give you the ones I remember.

-Use my normal voice at all times. Never raise it.
-Do 1 thing new with Wildman every month.
-Let Suge know how much I appreciate what he does for this family.
-Talk less. Listen more.
-Find a GOOD advisor.
-Spend less.
-Read the Bible through in a year (thank you River Community Church for the support)
-Join a life group
-Set a mileage goal for the month.
-Start lifting weights again.
-Floss every day.
-Take a vitamin every day.
-Clean out cupboards and closets.
-Cultivate friendships.

These are all I can remember and since I've shared them with you I expect you to call me on them. Oh I almost forgot about the one goal I make every year but can never seem to do-wait for it...Quit driving with my left foot!!!!!!

Good luck with your goals, let me know what they are.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I posted pictures! See the last few posts.


Mama Stone

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year

So the holidays were a success. I can safely say I enjoyed them. Suge and I headed to the beach the day after Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We spent a little time on New Years Eve at the marina amongst the biggest "boats" you've ever seen! Wild Man missed us, but he had a blast with family and friends. He was like a different person when we got home, all grown up!
I just started back to work on Monday and so far so good. I keep holding my breath waiting for the tidal wave to hit. Hopefully not until next week...I need a good week of rest =)

So now I'm just counting down the days until VIVA LAS VEGAS! Suge is taking me for my birthday. I suppose that's a pretty good present huh?!?!

I'm going to post my new year resolutions soon. First I have to weed out the ones I really can't keep.

I'm promising I'm going to post pictures yet again, but this time I really will! Well, we'll see... (Pictures posted! Wildman and his great-grandpa at Christmas and Wildman's visit to the dino museum while we were gone!)