Monday, August 31, 2009

Yard Sale = No Sofa

Hello Friends! Sorry I have neglected you. We've had a really busy couple of weeks. The lake house trip was a success. Boating, fellowship and tons of good food was had by all. The weather was absolutely perfect! Speaking of weather, this is some crazy weather we've been having, but you know I'm always ready for fall, so no complaints here.

This weekend I hosted a Yard Sale. Yes, I said hosted =) A couple of friends joined in the fun. I must say it was the most successful one I've ever had. I made some money and promptly spent it shopping on Saturday and Sunday! But thankfully I didn't bring home too much to take the place of what I just sold. I did sell our sofa. Now what? I have NO idea. I did go look at one in person on Sunday, that we had seen online and it was terrible. Not surprised. I don't know how people shop for furniture online. It's too difficult to see all the details.

I also went with Sweetheart to purchase her wedding gown. It was beautiful. She's going to make a show-stopper of a bride. I'm so excited for them.

On Sunday we went to church with the Yellow Family (code name). Sunday afternoon we went with them to a concert on the lawn at the Carnton Plantation in Franklin. Uncle C and Sweetheart joined us. It was SO much fun. The kids had a blast and so did the rest of us. It was Eagles music--you just can't not enjoy that.

We made it home about 9:45 and I was exhausted. But this morning when I let the dogs out and I felt the cool autumn-like air on my legs I knew today was going to be a good day! Can't wait for fall ya'll.

Now, I've got to do some thinking on this sofa situation. We'll see how that goes...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Give Me an Hour and a Half, $200, and the Pouring Rain

So I went grocery shopping tonight. That's probably all I need to say about that.  Thank goodness Wild Man was NOT with me.  On to more fun things...

Suge and I are anxiously awaiting Friday at noon for our annual lake house trip with friends. The countdown began oh... the moment we left last year.  Anyway, it's a fun weekend with good friends, food and relaxation.  Children need not apply.  This year we took a leap and booked the house for 3 nights (well, they made us) and I couldn't be more excited.  This is really the only group activity we do without children all year, so it's very much deserved.  On to other things...

I'm getting ready for a yard sale and I have to say this has been very liberating. I'm really getting rid of lots of things this year, furniture included. It's time we move on--get that new couch we just keep talking about.  We may not have a couch come Christmas, but oh well, we'll just put the tree in the middle of the room.  If you're in the area August 29th stop by! You know what they say about one man's trash...

I had to post this absolutely adorable pic of Wild Man. These p.j.s were passed to us from a friend and he wore them for the first time the night this was taken. 
For some reason he just thinks they are the gravy.  Oh, and you know, he knows, he looks like he could be sopped up with a biscuit. 

Come on now, that even made me laugh...

(P.S.-Couldn't get urban dictionary to load. Would it be "the gravy" or just "gravy"? Suge?)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Now's the Time

Just letting my friends and family know that now is the time to shop for next summer. I know you don't want to think about it, but I ordered shorts and tees for Wild Man. Old Navy and Children's Place are having great sales. I got 4 pair of shorts and 1 pair of swim shorts for $22.00 total at Children's Place. At Old Navy I got 4 pair of shorts and 2 tees for $35.00. I really need to find a place to get some more tees, but I think that's a great start. 10 items for 57 bucks and I didn't pay more than $3.99 for any item. These types of shorts and tees are great for school, where he's bound to get marker and lunch on them EVERY day.

FYI: I do this every year and have always been pretty successful. I just cross my fingers and hope he doesn't grow TOO much.

Happy shopping! We'll see how the rest of my hunt goes...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Brush Your Teeth, Comb Your Hair

Why do I love the fair so? It's dirty and expensive. Those two adjectives should never go together (they do quite often, but shouldn't). I just love the smell of cotton candy, fresh vegetables and corndogs. I know I'm one of the few adults that actually likes it. I'm trying to accept that. I need a 12 step program.

Wild Man has been to the fair every year thus far. I'm trying very hard to make sure he understands what it's all about, and no I don't mean the expensive rides and cheap prizes. Last year we went to the cattle show. The year before he saw the horse show and every year we tour the canning, vegetable and sewing entries. Tonight we plan on taking him to see the motorcycle racing. He's become interested in the X games, Suge seems to have ESPN on 24/7, they'll watch any sport put in front of them. Last weekend we watched skateboarding (Wild Man calls them scooters), motorcross and bike flipping (?). He was loving it! What am I going to do with these two?

Included this pic of Wild Man from a year ago, just couldn't resist. It's about to be apple season again!

Can't wait to sit on the dirty bleachers and eat my $15.00 corndog. See you there...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm No Angelina

Last night I had dinner (in) with friends. There were 4 kids there, ages 5 months, 20 months, 2 1/2 and 4 1/2. I had this thought this morning after remembering the chaos--those could have all been mine. WHAT?!?!? I can't imagine. We all know there are Moms out there mothering kids like this, but why and how? It was crazy and I just had to share some of that craziness with you. The baby fell asleep in my arms, one was crying because he didn't feel good and 2 were trying to eat apple slices while sitting/jumping on the couch while watching t.v. while wrestling and secretly trying to wake the baby. Folks, that's chaos and I thought trying to get one to eat, bathe and sleep was a challenge. Not any more...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Life's Little Luxuries

As I sit here and sip an adult beverage (that's what we've taken to calling them) I'm thinking about a phone conversation I had today. I just smiled when I hung up. I love long phone calls. They make me feel all mushy inside. To talk about everything and nothing-just because you have the time. (FYI: the boss is in France somewhere)  I know I've vented about the evil that is texting before, so I won't go into that again.  The phone call I'm referring to included everything from health talk to relationship talk to money talk to... well you get my point. It was so nice to be able to just relax and talk.  That's one of life's luxuries that some people hate, but I cherish. Another being-

Coming home to clean dishes.  Lately Suge has taken it upon himself to keep the dishes clean. Yes, we have a dishwasher, but there's always those pesky dishes that just can't go in there.  The more we cook, the more dishes turn up.  I appreciate his effort. Little things make me smile. Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can come up with some little thing that makes someone else smile. Let's see how that goes...