Monday, February 21, 2011

My, how things have changed

Baby Wildman, Mims and Priss
circa 2007
(same age as Tater Tot now)

Seems like Priss is all grown up now (almost 6), and of course my Wildman is 4! They sure don't stay babies for long. Excuse me while I go sniff those baby smells (the good ones of course).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Three Tens and Four Ones

Tomorrow is my birthday and Valentine's Day. Don't forget. I am also heading back to work...full-time. I debated and debated, but I think this is best or so we'll see.

I'm over my S A D. (that didn't last long) The sun is supposed to be out ALL week! I am so excited.

Oh, by the way, the 5K on Saturday went well. I had a fantastic time run/walking with Mrs. Hatcher. (I'll post pics soon) So much better than huffing and puffing by myself. Mims was here all weekend and that always helps to put a pep in my step.

I'll be sure to report back on how the first day back goes. Otherwise, here's a pic that's simply irresistible.

Mama Stone

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I think S-A-D set in today. There's no sun and I've lost any motivation I ever had to actually exercise. I don't care about the cold, but I really like for the sun to shine.

Last year about this time I was in Vegas. I think that broke up the dreary.

Well, all will change come Monday when it's back to work for me. I think Tater Tot will be in shock for a week or so, but she'll get used to it pretty quick. She's done really well so far. I am excited about getting back into a routine, however crazy that will be.

Ok, I've got to go perk up, maybe give myself an attitude adjustment.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To sleep or not to sleep...

Tater Tot went to school for the first time yesterday and of course I didn't take a picture. But here's a cute one for you anyway. Her nap schedule was pretty laughable, the first nap lasting from 10:55 to 11:00. The naps did get progressively longer (40 minutes at most), but it cracked me up that they recorded the five minute nap. All-in-all the school day was a success.

She's been fighting sleep this past week, and to me, that's so perplexing. It's not something we continue to do as adults, well, maybe kind of we do. If you knew it was OK for you to fall asleep anytime, anywhere, wouldn't you? The only good reasons we fight sleep are 1) because it's late and we're driving home, or 2) we're sitting at our desk at work. Is the infant's concern about "missing" something that strong? I can't imagine so.

As you can guess she's asleep right now- in the swing. In fact I think both the kids are asleep, and here I am on the computer. Not really sure what else I'd do (dishes and laundry are done), maybe I'll get caught up on my Bible reading. I read this morning about the Crucifixion and it still amazes me that God would send his ONLY Son to die for us. Can you imagine doing that for ANYONE, much less us? God's love is so many things, I just erased several words that seemed so inadequate to describe it. Go read Matthew, I just finished and it's amazing.