Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You want a little cheese to go with that?

I hope some of you can sympathize when I say I've heard enough whining to last me a lifetime. PLEASE tell me it's just a phase. I actually flat out ask him if he whines like he does at home, at school-and he said "No." Well, glad we could be your audience. You see that beautiful smiling face? He can turn it to tears in about 1 second. I really don't think this has anything to do with Tater-tot, but it could, deep down. But being the positive outlook Mom I am, I'm just going to grin and hug him. The time-outs and yelling don't seem to be getting us anywhere. Yelling never works for anything, but sometimes it does make you feel better. Maybe that should be one of my New Year goals. No more yelling. Do you think if I whisper he'll listen better? I'm going to try it. I'll let ya know...

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