So I'm over the whole giving you a report on how bad and/or good I'm doing on my New Year Resolutions. Mostly because I missed March and April is almost over, and I think the ones that I have done well keeping are the same ones I mentioned in February. The ones I need to work on, are the same ones.
Lots has been going on. I did run a race on March 20th. That went pretty good. An old friend from high school came and ran it too, as did Uncle C and Sweetheart. Mom walked this one and got a TROPHY! We went out for pancakes after, that was MY favorite part.
I attended Mule Day for the first time this year. That was actually mine and Wildman's something new we did together this month. I wish I had pictures but I'm becoming more forgetful as time moves on.
Which reminds me, I failed to inform you that I'm pregnant. Oops! Yes, of course it was planned, do you know me? But Suge and I have been talking it over (well I've done most of the talking) for almost a year. He finally gave in, I mean agreed it would be best for our family so here we are. On Monday I got to hear the heartbeat and was informed that I was approximately 10 1/2 weeks pregnant. Wildman is beside himself. He has all kinds of questions. It really has been interesting since I don't really know too many friends that have had their second child when their first child is this age (the curious I want to know and ask everything age). I've been posting some of our funny question and answer sessions on Facebook, so I won't bore you with them here. But be sure to know HE WANTS A SISTER. He had informed us long ago that he wanted a big sister (heaven knows why. my brother sure didn't), but has conceded that maybe a little sister would be ok. I'm still unsure how we are going to break it to him if it does end up being a boy. I've still got to think on that one. I've been feeling lots better these past two weeks and will be glad to get past the 12 week mark.
But, before I get past 12 weeks I must take a quick vaca to Miami with some girls to celebrate Uncle C and Sweetheart's nearing wedding. Can you believe it's one month away? How unattractive could I possibly look in a swimsuit right now. Oh, I'll let you know. I think I'm just going to make the bride look that much more fabulous!