Monday, August 17, 2009

Give Me an Hour and a Half, $200, and the Pouring Rain

So I went grocery shopping tonight. That's probably all I need to say about that.  Thank goodness Wild Man was NOT with me.  On to more fun things...

Suge and I are anxiously awaiting Friday at noon for our annual lake house trip with friends. The countdown began oh... the moment we left last year.  Anyway, it's a fun weekend with good friends, food and relaxation.  Children need not apply.  This year we took a leap and booked the house for 3 nights (well, they made us) and I couldn't be more excited.  This is really the only group activity we do without children all year, so it's very much deserved.  On to other things...

I'm getting ready for a yard sale and I have to say this has been very liberating. I'm really getting rid of lots of things this year, furniture included. It's time we move on--get that new couch we just keep talking about.  We may not have a couch come Christmas, but oh well, we'll just put the tree in the middle of the room.  If you're in the area August 29th stop by! You know what they say about one man's trash...

I had to post this absolutely adorable pic of Wild Man. These p.j.s were passed to us from a friend and he wore them for the first time the night this was taken. 
For some reason he just thinks they are the gravy.  Oh, and you know, he knows, he looks like he could be sopped up with a biscuit. 

Come on now, that even made me laugh...

(P.S.-Couldn't get urban dictionary to load. Would it be "the gravy" or just "gravy"? Suge?)

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