So if you didn't know it's been really hot around here the last couple of weeks. When it gets this hot we tend to stay indoors. When we stay indoors for this long, we tend to get bored. (See picture) It's amazing how Wildman's tees fit our Rook. Yes, he was rockin' the Yellow Submarine tee and he loved it. What do you do when it's too hot to go out? Surely it's not as fun or funny as this.
Here's my little baby girl's feet. Aren't they sweet? We couldn't be more excited. Especially Wildman. He still insists her name is Tater Tot, so until we decide otherwise...
From time to time Miss A gives Wildman things her kids have out-grown and a few weeks ago she brought over a huge bag of dress-up clothes. Apparently Suge couldn't resist. I mean who knew there would be dress-up clothes for adults in the bag too?
I love me some Robin Hood/Peter Pan/Jolly Green Giant.