Friday, January 29, 2010

A Plethora of News

I'm home with Wildman this afternoon, since the winter weather has blown in. It was fun to leave work at 3:00 and come home to hot tea and re-runs of Diego! In other breaking news...

Suge and I leave for Vegas in just a little over a week. I am excited. My week is planned and so is his (although mine sounds WAY more fun). We get in on Monday. I get a massage on Tuesday, he goes to seminar. I go to the Grand Canyon on Wednesday, he goes to seminar. I go shopping and casino hopping on Thursday, he goes to seminar. Thursday night we see LOVE. Friday we come home. What do you think? He may actually skip out on Thursday, since that was the original plan, but it is a free class. So we'll see... Pictures to come on that for SURE!

My birthday is coming up in roughly two weeks and I am challenging all my friends and family to complete a 5K. What better way to turn thirtysomething than to run/walk/jog 3.1 miles! Anyway, there's a race here called Cupid's Chase and I'm pretty pumped. I've got about 8 people committed to doing it. Hope there's many more (hint hint). Suge says he's going to do it. What's funny about this is, almost every guy (except Suge) is waiting to commit until he knows what the weather will be like. Not a single woman has mentioned it. What does that tell you?

Hope all is well with you. Headed out to the Rodeo tonight, for a little cowboy fix.

Have a great snow filled weekend!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I love to use those three letters together. I don't normally say it, but I love to type it. Anyway, I noticed reading back over some posts that I can't seem to decide if my 3 year old's ghost name is Wild Man or Wildman. So...FYI: either way is correct, and please realize I am always referring to the same person.

I feel better.

Except I feel really nervous today. You know that feeling you get before a big meeting, or a big event. Well, I have it today in the pit of my stomach. Why you ask. Just so you know, I have NO idea. In fact, I'd really appreciate it if it just went away.

Had a great time with the girls last night and am really looking forward to going out with some other girls on Friday night to celebrate a birthday. I really am blessed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Change of Focus

So, I sent a blog post link to a couple of friends and it has already sparked some serious talk AND action. The essence of the blog was this:

“Stop feeding what you want to die and starving what you want to live.”

That quote alone hit home in so many areas of my life, it's just not funny. So Sweetheart decided she was going to deactivate her fb account for 1 week and see how it changed her week and she ask me to join in. So I did. And so far so good. I read my Bible last night and appear to be ahead of schedule. I also spent some quality time with Suge last night AND I also appear to be getting some work done today. It's a WIN WIN for all involved.

If you want to read the blog post just see the post
from 1/19 on brandi & boys ----->

Good luck on your refocus.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Goals for 2010

So QT challenged me to write down my goals for 2010, and then she boldly emailed me hers. I say boldly because hers were really hard ones! I think the idea was we'd keep each other in check, but she had like 20 something goals, I'm not sure I can keep up with mine and hers! Except I will choose to see if she's biting her nails or not (FYI: never tell me which goal will be the hardest). Anyway, when she sent her goals to me they were broken down in areas of her life (i.e.: wife, mother, financial, spiritual, fitness etc. etc.) and I thought it was such a good idea, especially the random area.

So since I don't have my list in front of me, or even in this house, I'll give you the ones I remember.

-Use my normal voice at all times. Never raise it.
-Do 1 thing new with Wildman every month.
-Let Suge know how much I appreciate what he does for this family.
-Talk less. Listen more.
-Find a GOOD advisor.
-Spend less.
-Read the Bible through in a year (thank you River Community Church for the support)
-Join a life group
-Set a mileage goal for the month.
-Start lifting weights again.
-Floss every day.
-Take a vitamin every day.
-Clean out cupboards and closets.
-Cultivate friendships.

These are all I can remember and since I've shared them with you I expect you to call me on them. Oh I almost forgot about the one goal I make every year but can never seem to do-wait for it...Quit driving with my left foot!!!!!!

Good luck with your goals, let me know what they are.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I posted pictures! See the last few posts.


Mama Stone

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year

So the holidays were a success. I can safely say I enjoyed them. Suge and I headed to the beach the day after Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We spent a little time on New Years Eve at the marina amongst the biggest "boats" you've ever seen! Wild Man missed us, but he had a blast with family and friends. He was like a different person when we got home, all grown up!
I just started back to work on Monday and so far so good. I keep holding my breath waiting for the tidal wave to hit. Hopefully not until next week...I need a good week of rest =)

So now I'm just counting down the days until VIVA LAS VEGAS! Suge is taking me for my birthday. I suppose that's a pretty good present huh?!?!

I'm going to post my new year resolutions soon. First I have to weed out the ones I really can't keep.

I'm promising I'm going to post pictures yet again, but this time I really will! Well, we'll see... (Pictures posted! Wildman and his great-grandpa at Christmas and Wildman's visit to the dino museum while we were gone!)