I'm home with Wildman this afternoon, since the winter weather has blown in. It was fun to leave work at 3:00 and come home to hot tea and re-runs of Diego! In other breaking news...
Suge and I leave for Vegas in just a little over a week. I am excited. My week is planned and so is his (although mine sounds WAY more fun). We get in on Monday. I get a massage on Tuesday, he goes to seminar. I go to the Grand Canyon on Wednesday, he goes to seminar. I go shopping and casino hopping on Thursday, he goes to seminar. Thursday night we see LOVE. Friday we come home. What do you think? He may actually skip out on Thursday, since that was the original plan, but it is a free class. So we'll see... Pictures to come on that for SURE!
My birthday is coming up in roughly two weeks and I am challenging all my friends and family to complete a 5K. What better way to turn thirtysomething than to run/walk/jog 3.1 miles! Anyway, there's a race here called Cupid's Chase and I'm pretty pumped. I've got about 8 people committed to doing it. Hope there's many more (hint hint). Suge says he's going to do it. What's funny about this is, almost every guy (except Suge) is waiting to commit until he knows what the weather will be like. Not a single woman has mentioned it. What does that tell you?
Hope all is well with you. Headed out to the Rodeo tonight, for a little cowboy fix.
Have a great snow filled weekend!