Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Vacation from Vacation

Isn't it funny how we live weekend to weekend. When I titled this post I meant I needed a vacation from my vacation last week--it was exhausting. But then I started thinking about how we live holiday to holiday, weekend to weekend. It's true the older you get the faster time goes by, it's because we live like this. Kids have fun EVERY day, they don't need holidays or weekends, but adults think they do. I'm gonna try to change that. Make my days at work more excitable and fun, look forward to going to work and coming home to spend time with my boys. I feel like my next sentence should say turn that frown upside down...hehehe.
Anyway, I did take lots of photos last week so here's two that turned out cute! We had tons of fun that brought on tons of exhaustion. Still worth it though!
Oh and side note: I'm getting ready for a Yard Sale soon and it has been so refreshing to just clean out. Don't you just love getting rid of things? How and why do we have all this stuff? This post sounds like a couple of New Year's Resolutions in the making. We'll see...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Here's a Toast to my Summer Holiday

I'll report back in a week or so. This coming week I plan on having a glass in one hand and my camera in the other. Hope the pictures are of something/someone resembling my family. We'll see...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

To Text, or Not to Text

I told a friend I was taking to my blog to get this off my chest. Here goes...

Texting has changed the way we communicate. There's no doubt about it. You want to send someone a message who can't get a phone call? Bingo--just text them. But I'm afraid it is changing the very dynamic of our relationships. For instance, should you text to tell/ask someone about a lifechanging event?

Perry: I'm breaking up w/ u.

Shelia: What? I thought we were getting married?
Carla: John, I'm pregnant w/ ur baby.

John: OMG, I'm so excited!
Adam: Ur grandmother just died.

Tara: C u @ the service.
Larry: Dude, can I borrow ur car this week?

Mike: R u kidding me?

Doesn't this seem ridiculous? What warrants a phone call or a face to face chat anymore? I'm beginning to wonder. Call me old school, but where has the respect gone? I think I deserve to hear some conversations, not read them. Is that so wrong?

Yes, I text. But maybe now, not so often. We'll see...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

One is Silver & the Other Gold

I was so excited to see an old friend on Thursday. The circumstances may have not been ideal but it was great nonetheless.  I like it when you are able to pick up with a friend like no time has passed.  That's happened to me several different times, with several different friends over the last few weeks. It's nice.  As I write this all I can think about is that song we learned in Girl Scouts all those many years ago. 

Wildman has been with my Mom since Thursday night. Suge and I have gotten some serious quality time together. We needed it! I was just saying tonight how we've neglected our alone time these last couple of months. We needed this weekend! Note to self: Don't let this happen again. We'll see how that goes...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Trust and Understanding

Something to chew on:

I listened to a sermon last night titled Does Prayer Change Things? It cleared up a lot of things for me, but the one thing that really stuck out, (probably because I'm really struggling with this right now) is- understanding God and trusting Him are NOT the same thing. The analogy was very clear--As a parent you decide what is best for your child. Your child may not always understand it (why can't I have a cookie for breakfast), but they must learn to trust you and your judgement. As the parent you know what's best for them overall and in the long run. It may not make sense at that particular moment but you know them, you know if you give them a cookie for breakfast one time, they'll want one every morning and that could lead to cavities and/or sugar overload etc. etc.

I guess right now I just really needed to hear that God knows me better than I know myself. Hopefully that will make what I'm going through a little easier, I do feel better already. We'll see...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

3rd 4th

This is my baby's 3rd Fourth of July. Can you believe that? His first year he was still nursing and I remember watching fireworks with him in my lap. He didn't have a care in the world. Last year we left before the fireworks began and we saw them from the end of the driveway and I can't remember if he was asleep or awake. So this year I'm really anxious to see how he'll react. He won't be missing them this year! (Pic is of him and Gramma from 1st 4th)

Thanks to all the men and women who help keep our country free!

Wild man has been going to swim lessons for 2 weeks now. Boy, that's been kindof weird. He did great the first week. This week he's decided if he cries he might not have to do what they ask. This isn't like him. (maybe a little) Next week he better get serious and learn the back stroke or there will be no Gold Medals in our family.

I want to take a moment and thank Suge for being Suge. We've witnessed some very emotional marriage issues these last couple of months and I just can't be more thankful for him.

Lots more has gone on these last couple of weeks but for the life of me I can't remember what. Oh yeah, got together with some girlfriends from high school last weekend and had a BLAST! I miss those girls and outings like that are too few and far between! Note to self: Get together more often.

Hoping to get a ride in this weekend. Maybe I'll take some pics to post so you can see my boys. We'll see...